Old Kilkenny Review 1958

cover OKR 1958
O'Neill, Thomas P.The Famine in Kilkenny1-5
Prendergast, EllenThe Moat of Ballyfoyle5
Leo MacAdamsCorbett Wilson The Pioneer Airman
Marescaux, GeoffreyBonnettstown Hall and Castle19-26
Phelan, Margaret M.Forgotten Kilkenny school: the Feinaiglian School at Noreview27-30
Pilsworth, W.J.Newtown Jerpoint31-35
Prendergast, EllenBronze axehead from Annaleck Upper, civil parish of Powerstown36-37
Prendergast, EllenSouterrain recently discovered in Kilkenny at Kildalton, Piltown38-41
Walsh, Frank R.Castle Eve or Earlstown, Kells42-46
Cassin, M.Here and there in St Canice's Parish: Holdensrath. Booleyshea, Cloranhee, Ballyfinnan. Bonnettstown, Grace's Cross47-54