Old Kilkenny Review 1984

Cover OKR 1984
Lightbown, Ronald W.Some Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century Visitors to Kilkenny (part 1): James Beeverell; Aubry de la Mottraye; Richard Pococke; John Bush; Thomas Campbell; Mark Elstob; Philip Luckombe; Anthony Sinnot03-16
archival documentFlorence Hackett – The Irish Insurrection Easter Week in Kilkenny April 1916 [from the diary of Florence Hackett], with notes by Frank McEvoy17-23
Mansfield, Brocard M.Dr Richard Helsham of Leggetsrath, 'the most eminent physician of this city and Kingdom' (Dean Swift)24-31
Empey, AdrianA case study of the primary phase of Anglo-Norman settlement - the lordship of Kells32-40
Prendergast, EllenTwo artefacts of the Bronze Age from County Kilkenny (spearhead from Tullaroan and axehead from Rathcash, Clifden)41-43
Walton, Julian C.The claim of Pierce Bryan of Jenkinstown, 171744-46
Kennedy, JosephCromwell in Callan47-51
Phelan, Margaret M.The Stoneyford and Freshford chalices, 1631 and 166552-54
Fr. ColumbkilleKilcooly (Kilcooley) Abbey, Co Tipperary (part 1)55-63
Moore, FionnbarrA Bronze Age burial at Killinane, near Bagenalstown, Co Carlow64-68
Kirwan, JohnThe Woodstock - Bessborough connection (Fownes and Ponsonby)69-72
McEvoy, FrancisThe Power of Kilfane portraits in Rothe house73-74
Hayburn, Edmund LangtonThe sale of the Langton mansion on High Street, Kilkenny75-77
Rothe House Youth Heritage Project78
archival documentDiary of John Butler 2nd Marquess of Ormonde (1808-1854) extract: The bust of John Banim in Kilkenny Tholsel81
archival documentDiary of John Butler 2nd Marquess of Ormonde (1808-1854) extract: The Duke of Ormonde's Spanish prayer book81
Johnson, Richard CollesSir Dudley Colles (errata, OKR 1977)87
archival documentDiary of John Butler 2nd Marquess of Ormonde (1808-1854) extract: How different today - visit to the museum of Kilkenny Archaeol. Soc. 185390
news cutting 1857Demise of Paris Anderson, noted in Cincinnati Daily Enquirer 185790