McGinn, Brian | America's first Irish visitor, Richard Butler c1584 | 07-09 |
Kirwan, John | Pompeo Batoni (1708-1787) and his Kilkenny sitters - Otway Cuffe and William Tighe | 10-18 |
Brady, Margery | Yeats - the Kilkenny connection; + A caveat from Lord Dunboyne | 19-23 |
Phelan, Margaret M. | Mary, Kitty & Rita - the three Harte sisters | 24-27 |
Boaz, Thomas | The Archdeacon (Cody) family in the American South 1730-1875 | 28-43 |
Halpin, Thomas B. | The 1659 census of Kilkenny | 44-49 |
Doyle, Joseph | Kilkenny District Model School | 50-74 |
Kiely, Richard | A letter from Panama 1929; RK was born in 1873 at Mooncoin | 75-79 |
Shirley, C. Ashton | The Shirley eviction from their farm at Burnchurch in 1850 | 80-87 |
Sinsteden, Thomas | The 1718 Kilkenny Presentation of Freedom to Richard Tighe of Dublin | 88-91 |
Comerford, Patrick | From India to Brazil: Nicholas Comerford, a seventeenth-century Kilkenny-born cartographer | 92-102 |
Williams, Jeremy | The lost Swiss cottage of Woodstock - its architect and its illustrator | 103-111 |
Patterson, Tony | Reform of Kilkenny Corporation in the Repeal year of 1843 | 112-127 |