Old Kilkenny Review 2007

okr cover 2007
Dowd, Marion; Linda Lynch; Margaret McCarthyRecent archaeological discoveries in Dunmore Cave, County Kilkenny: further questions regarding Viking Age activity at the site7-17
Stevens, PaulFour excavations in Kilkenny city 1999–2001 at Friary Street/Garden Row; 23 James' Street; Maudlin Street; Evans' Home/Barrack Lane: part 2 the Late Medieval / Post Medieval findings18-37
Tierney, AnnA record of some Kilkenny imports in the late sixteenth century by John Rothe, Thomas Cransborough, Nicholas Langton, Edward Shee, George St Leger, George Comerford, Thomas Archer, Henry Pembroke, William Ragged, James Duffe and other merchants38-47
Manning, ConlethThe William Delahunty and Catherine Brenan grave slab of 1624 in St Francis’ Abbey, Kilkenny City48-51
Boran, ElizabethanneA third reformation? Persecution and Oppression’ in seventeenth century Kilkenny: Griffith Williams, Bishop of Ossory 1641-167252- 68
Ó Ciobháin, BreandánThe River Nore-An Fheoir and Jerpoint: their naming69-70
Ramón, MartaJames Stephens (1825-1901) and Kilkenny - the making of a Fenian chief71-79
Corlett, ChristiaanThe Kilkenny Museum (1849–1910), of the Royal Society of Antiquariesof Ireland80-97
Law, Edward J.Town bell and clock98-103
Hughes, UnaNineteenth century Kilkenny - a healthy place? Part 1: hospitals, infirmary, dispensary, epidemics104-114
Gavin, AlysonThe Whites of Gowran House115-128
Hegarty, MaureenBeginnings - the early years of the Kilkenny Archaeological Society in Rothe House129–131