About us
The Kilkenny Archaeological Society (KAS) was re-established as a Kilkenny Society in 1945 having originally formed in 1849. Its aim is to promote and renew interest in the antiquities and history of Kilkenny county and city. All who share these interests are invited to join. You can download its constitution here.
KAS is headquartered in Rothe House and Garden, Parliament Street. This 16th century townhouse contains the society’s archive library, significant museum items, a number of exhibitions both permanent and temporary and also a thriving genealogical service. The house is managed on behalf of the Society by Rothe House Trust Ltd.
and much more…
Old Kilkenny Review
Old Kilkenny Review
KAS publish an annual journal, the Old Kilkenny Review, provided free to all our members, and the latest issues are available in the book shop at Rothe House.
Benefits of Membership
Benefits of Membership
Among other benefits, members of the Society enjoy free access to the KAS library and to Rothe House & Garden.
KAS holds events throughout the year covering a wide range of topics.
A selection of some of the finest artefacts from the Rothe House Museum collection.