Members of the Kilkenny Archaeological Society enjoy free access to the KAS library and to Rothe House and Garden. Members also receive a copy of our annual journal, the Old Kilkenny Review (OKR), news via email, alerts about upcoming events and access to various fee-paying workshops. They also receive 15% discount on purchases in the Merchant’s Shop at Rothe House.

Join or rejoin Kilkenny Archaeological Society

    Membership Subscription Form

    This is a

    for an
    Individual €40.00Family €50.00

    Please don't forget to pay your subscription using the following instructions.

    You can pay by

    1. Cheque  payable to Rothe House Trust and sent to Rothe House, Parliament St. Kilkenny, Ireland.

    2. Directly to our bank by lodgement,  EFT, SEPA or IBAN payment, to Bank of Ireland, Parliament St. Kilkenny,  Sort Code 90 60 64  Account No  10946553, IBAN IE83 BOFI 9060 6410 9465 53 BIC BOFIIE2D  Please put your name in the transfer or field. 

    3. Standing order,  Confirm by email to and we’ll help you arrange it.

    4. Paypal or Credit card payment using the choices below.

    KAS Membership
    Please provide us with your email address, so we can track your membership easier:

    Alternatively, you print out this form and/or can call to reception at Rothe House and join in person, paying your subscription by cash, cheque or credit/debit card.


    Members of Kilkenny Archaeological Society who are interested in volunteer work are organised in several sub-committees. If you are interested in joining any of these committees, please contact the reception at Rothe House.

    Investigating developments that could have an adverse impact on important archaeological and historical structures and sites. Meetings are held approximately every two months, lasting an hour.

    Contact: Declan Murphy

    The Library is the repository for KAS’s collection of local history books, journals and newspapers, and a small archive on some local families and estates.

    The volunteers supervise library opening hours three times per week. An archiving group meet on Monday nights to document and digitize the archive collection. Any member interested in volunteering for either task should contact the honorary librarian at

    The Local History group meets on the first Tuesday of the month to discuss the talks they prepare for the local radio stations KCLR, Community Radio and Kilkenny City Radio (88.7).

    Independently, some members of the group lead weekly walks through Co. Kilkenny on Saturday mornings. They meet at the water (horse) trough on the Parade at 11am. A number of their visits to historical places have been recorded by KCR.

    The Local History group is also involved in the County Council field name project.

    Contact: Eamonn Kiely

    Members of the membership committee assist the membership secretary in all matters directly relating to the service to members, from recruitment, data base maintenance and promotion of suitable services.

    Contact: Sinéad Gibbons at Rothe House reception

    The museum committee under the guidance of the volunteer curator cares for the collection and meets every second Saturday to clean and tidy Rothe House Museum & Garden, if necessary.

    Go behind the glass and get up close and personal with history.

    Contact: Amanda Pitcairn

    The OKR committee organises the annual journal published by the Kilkenny Archaeological Society.

    Volunteer tasks assist the honorary editor in administration of the major annual project, securing obituaries, officer reports, proof reading and advertisements with local businesses.

    Contact: Ann Tierney

    The programme committee organises the monthly lectures, the annual Bradley Conference and other events hosted by Kilkenny Archaeological Society. They see to preparations of each event as they happen, both in Rothe House and elsewhere.

    Lunch time meetings held monthly.

    Contact: Pat Nolan

    The PR committee is responsible for the newsletter, which can be signed up for on the homepage. They provide accurate information on events, secure material on other items of interest and collate all into the bi-monthly email newsletter to members.

    Contact: Marie Wilgaard-Kelly

    The website committee prepares and provides information about Kilkenny Archaeological Society and events hosted by the KAS on this website.

    It helps the sub-committees to publish their work on this website.

    Contact: N/A