You missed a talk given by a member of the Kilkenny Archaeological Society? Chances are, you will find a transcript or similar file here.

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Maura Kenealy: History Tour Patrick Street 2018 For Heritage Week 2018, long time resident Maura Kenealy gave a guided tour on Patrick Street, providing the history of this important street from the Norman settlement to the 19th century. Patrick Street, Rothe, Colles, Norman, William Marshall, Croker’s Cross, Hibernian Hotel, Hackett’s, Sir Denis Pack, Down’s Survey Map, William Kenealy, Heltzel, Theatre, Clubhouse Hotel, St. Patrick’s Gate Open pdf
Anne-Karoline Distel: Digitization of Graveyard Inscriptions For Heritage Week 2018, Anne talked about the KAS project digizising 33 of the 100 graveyard records collected in the 1970s by KAS volunteers. graveyard records, cemetery records, genealogy, tombstones, headstones, OpenStreetMap, digitisation Open pdf