BASSETTKilkenny city & county Guide & Directory, G H Bassett, Dublin 1884.
Between the flagsBetween the Flags: A history of Irish steeplechasing, S J Watson.
CarriganHistory and Antiquities of the Diocese of Ossory, W Carrigan.
Chron.[Kilkenny] Chronicle.
City Records/City Minutes.From records in the City of Kilkenny archive, Tholsell, Kilkenny.
DeedsIn the holdings of Kilkenny Archaeological Society.
DirectoryA directory of the stated year.
FLJFinn’s Leinster Journal.
Irish Gen.Irish Genealogist.
I WillsIndex to Irish wills in the Carrigan Manuscripts, Irish Genealogist Vol 4 No 3 1970.
Jnl.[Kilkenny] Journal.
KASKilkenny Archaeological Society; among holdings of.
KAS JournalThe journal of the original 19 th century Society.
Kilkenny DeedsIn the holdings of Kilkenny Archaeological Society.
KinderThe new commercial directory for the cities of Waterford & Kilkenny etc, 1839.
Kings InnsKing’s Inns Admission papers 1607-1867, Keane, Phair & Sadleir, eds
KJ/ K JnlKilkenny Journal.
KK CollRegisters of Kilkenny School (1685-1800) RSAI Vol 54.
KK Dev PlanKilkenny County Council draft development plan, 1993: Vol 2 Conservation.
L Jnl.Leinster Journal.
LandLandowners in Ireland, 1876. Local Government Board, Ireland, 1876.
Lanigan & TylerKilkenny: Its Architecture & History, K M Lanigan & G Tyler.
LucasIrish provincial directory 1788, Richard Lucas.
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NeelyKilkenny: An Urban History, 1391-1843, W G Neely.
NLINational Library of Ireland, Dublin.
OKR.Old Kilkenny Review, the journal of Kilkenny Archaeological Society.
Ossory IndexIndex to Administration Bonds, Ossory, National Archives, Dublin.
Oss WillsIndex to Irish Wills, WPW Phillimore, Vol 1, Ossory 1536-1800.
O’KellyThe place names of County Kilkenny, Owen O’Kelly (reprint 1985). Available online.
O’Sullivans DiaryThe Diary of Humphrey O’Sullivan.
Parly CommnEvidence to HM Commissioners into law & practice in respect of occupation of land in Ireland, Part III. (4.10.1844)
PigotPigot & Co's Directory 1820-22.
Pigot & Co's Directory. 1824.
PrimNotes on Kilkenny Inns & Taverns, Prim, Kilkenny Archaeological Society Journal, 1862. Reprinted in Old Kilkenny Review 1950.
Prim CollectionNational Archives, Dublin.
PuesPue’s Occurences, 1744-9, Rosalind McCutcheon in Irish Genealogist Vol 9 No 3, pp305-380.
RoDRegistry of Deeds, Dublin
SlatersSlater's Directory, 1846, 1856, 1870, 1881, 1894
ThomThom's Irish Almanac, 1853.
TigheStatistical survey.
VotersKilkenny City Voting List, 1832, in Irish Genealogist.
WillDoing local history, M Silverman, OKR 1989 & 1991.
Will AbsRegistry of Deeds Dublin Abstract of Wills, Vol II 1746-85; Vol III 1785-1832.