Latest Past Events

John Bradley Memorial Conference lecture: “John Bradley: from Osraige to Kilkenny”

Kilkenny Castle The Parade, Kilkenny

keynote speech by by Ben Murtagh Reception at Kilkenny Castle 6.00 pm, Conference Supper, Club House, Kilkenny, 8.15pm (Optional) Lecture and Reception €15.00   Conference Supper €25.00. Tickets available in Rothe House Tue-Sun 10:00-17:30 Event link on Facebook The lecture will not be recorded and will thus not be available on YouTube later.


Olivia O’Leary – The Future of Journalism

Kilkenny Castle The Parade, Kilkenny

Maximum capacity for the key note speech: 120 persons, for the dinner: 45 persons Combined fee reception and lecture €15.00, Conference dinner €35.00 Reception, Key note address by Olivia O'Leary and dinner to mark the John Bradley conference. We hope we can look forward to welcoming you to this thought-provoking analysis by one of Ireland’s […]

John Bradley Memorial Conference CANCELLED

CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19 John Bradley two-day conference: Education's role, contribution and reality through the ages. Detailed program available during July. Booking through reception in Rothe House.