OKR 2022

Hull GrahamA Medieval Charcoal Production Pit, near Piltown12
Nolan PatKilkenny's Charitable Institutions13-22
Kennedy NedMichael Egan (1895 -1956) Playwright and Author23-33
Ó Drisceoil ProinsiasAmhlaoibh Ó Súilleabháin (1783 - 1838)34-43
O Dwyer MichaelOwner and Tenants of Seville Lodge44-48
Phelan Margaret MRothe House Thoughts and Memories49-56
Gurrin BrianCounting Cats The 1831 Census & the Woodstock estate57-71
Donoghue FerganThe Great Escape: Tunnelling out of Kilkenny Jail 192172-82
Denis BerginRemembering Patrick Joseph Lydon 1950-202283