OKR 2024

AuthorTitlePages Ómacháin PádraigThe Book of Pottlerath in Context7 Tierney AnnMary Jane Butler of Callan in 17th century Europe19 Breen PatrickJames Switsir Kk Businessman and Philanthropist 1741-180631 Cunningham JohnGrand opening of [...]

OKR 2023

AuthorTitlePages Nolan PatAspects of the Kilkenny Tipperary Border7 Ó Drisceoil ProinsiasThe Johnswell Gaeltacht18 Knox JohnJohn Hume and St Canice' Credit Union29 De Weck LaurentJames Bernard O'Dunne (1714 - 1794)34 Lucey [...]

OKR 2022

AuthorTitlePages Hull GrahamA Medieval Charcoal Production Pit, near Piltown12 Nolan PatKilkenny's Charitable Institutions13-22 Kennedy NedMichael Egan (1895 -1956) Playwright and Author23-33 Ó Drisceoil ProinsiasAmhlaoibh Ó Súilleabháin (1783 - 1838)34-43 O [...]

OKR 2021

AuthorTitlePages Richard HylandDistilling in Kilkenny ciry, 1770-18437-22 Proinsias Ó DrisceoillA nineteenth-century Kilkenny bookseller23-30 John LuceyKilkenny's first mental health facility31-38 Peter SeaverA history of Cramer's Grove, Ballyfoyle, Co. Kilkenny39-44 Michael O'DwyerThree [...]

Old Kilkenny Review 2019/2020

okr 2019-2020
AuthorTitlePages Mike MeagherThe Kings River at newtown Kells: A sacred place and power centre chosen by Palladius?7-30 Graham HullArchaeological excavation of a Late Bronze Age burnt stone spread and medieval [...]

Old Kilkenny Review 1947

John O’Leary – ‘Come with us!’
Hubert Butler – Editorial Comment
T Lyng – Ballyragget and District
John S Gibb – A Tour on the Upper Nore

Old Kilkenny Review 2018

cover old kilkenny review 2018
AuthorTitlepageskeywords Caitríona MooreA Neolithic Trackway in Baunmore, Co. Kilkenny5-19bog archaeology, Baunmore, Killoran, Bruckana, Bord na Mona, peatland, togher Samantha MorrisAn examination of the architectural features of tower houses in the [...]

Old Kilkenny Review 2017

Old Kilkenny Review 2017
AuthorTitlepages Hull, Graham & Kate TaylorNew archaeological discoveries on the N76 Callan Road realignment: Bronze Age and Early Medieval settlement south of Kilkenny city5-33 O'Brien, WilliamToor More (Corrandhu): a Bronze [...]

Old Kilkenny Review 2016

okr cover 2016
AuthorTitlepages O'Keefe, GerrySt Francis Abbey 1230-1630: a history and archaeology of Kilkenny's Conventual Franciscans5-56 O'Conor, KieranJohn Bradley's research on Anglo-Norman Ireland57-74 Rondelez, PaulIronworking in the medieval town of Kilkenny75-89 O'Brien, [...]

Old Kilkenny Review 2015

okr cover 2015
AuthorTitlepages O'Keefe, GerryThe administration of religion in medieval Kilkenny5-17 Ó Drisceoil, Cóilín, Amy Harris; Yvonne DoyleConservation of the Shee tombs at Saint Mary's church, Kilkenny18-35 Breen, MaryKilkenny - a Renaissance [...]