The Civil War in Kilkenny 25th April to May 03rd 1922
Paddy Neary
The opening salvos of the Civil War had yet to be fired, this did not happen until June 28nd 1922, when the Four Courts in Dublin was bombarded by the National Army.There was military activity in Kilkenny in the last week in April when a large force of Army Executive invaded the city on the Monday night April 25th into Tuesday morning. The citizens were greatly perturbed to find that these forces had taken possession of business and strategic positions throughout the city.
Business however continued as usual, people began to gather at an early to discuss the situation that had arisen. There was great activity on the part of the invading force. Young men visited various shops commandeering food supplies, cooking utensils, sacks to be used as sand bags, mattresses etc., and were conveyed by lorry to the various
occupied by them. This was the first indication the public had that the invaders planned a prolonged stay. It was understood the invading force were made up of various panels from Cos. Tipperary, Waterford and Kilkenny. Many of the young men came from Kilkenny city itself.
What it was all about was the question passing through the minds of the citizens. Whatever was going to happen would happen at 9 o’clock that evening. The stage being set, developments were not long delayed. At least twelve buildings were occupied by the Executive forces by the early hours of Tuesday morning. The workhouse, the Imperial Hotel, Arthur J.Wilsdon’s premises. The Working men’s club in Kieran Street, the Belfry and Round Tower of
St Canice’s Cathedral, Kilkenny Castle, John O’Rourke’s premises in Green Street, Mr John Lacey’s residence at Greens bridge. City Hall, The forge at St Canice’s steps, the Police barracks in Parliament and John Street.
Shortly after 11 0’clock a party of regular soldiers from the Military Barracks marched in the direction of Greens bridge and were soon in action. The first position of the occupying force to be attacked was the residence of Mr John Lacey of Greens bridge. This house to which a licensed bar is attached was recently purchased for a big price from John Kerwick of the Parade by John Cleere of Johns Quay who intends to open the grocery and licensed business there.
Without much ado the attack was opened, it did not last very long but such was the intensity of the firing the outside of the house was dotted with bullet marks. The interior also showed evidence of considerable damage from rifle fire. The position was made so hot for the occupants that they surrendered in quick time. They were then made prisoners and taken to the military barracks.
The regulars then proceeded to dislodge the occupants of Mr. O’Rourke’s premises at the other side of the bridge. A machine gun was placed in position on Greens bridge and trained on the premises, and almost immediately the place was surrendered and the occupants taken prisoners.
After a lull of about an hour, firing between the rival forces was resumed at about 6.30 on Tuesday evening and was continued with great intensity up to about 10.30
During the evening the Executive forces evacuated the City Hall. On resumption of operations regular soldiers attacked John Street Barracks and after a brief but fierce encounter the barracks was surrounded and the occupants taken prisoners. Earlier in the afternoon a regular soldier was wounded in the face, a second regular was wounded during the John street attack by a sniper.
During Tuesday night or early Wednesday, Parliament Barracks , St. Francis Abbey Brewery, and the Workhouse building were evacuated by Executive troops. Many of them succeeded in gaining entrance to the Castle and their comrades.
Practically every vantage point around the city was occupied by forces from G.H.Q. and there was considerable sniping including St. Canices’ Tower. Now a rifle shot resounded from the Tower then an answering volley from another point. This continued for hours with an occasional burst of machine gun fire.
It was reported on Wednesday that a young Kilkenny lady occupied a position as a sniper. On Wednesday an incident occurred in High Street, when three young ladies, members of Cumann na mBan were held up by two soldiers as they entered the General Post Office. They were escorted into the Post Office and detained for some time. About to be searched and questioned an officer gave the order for their release. The ladies were Miss Una Egan, Miss Stallard, and Miss Dooley.
Wilsdon’s Fort:
Today this property is known as J.B.s Sports Bar. At the time of the civil war, Arthur J Wilsdon was the owner. It was a very strategic position as it commanded a view of the Railway station, the Castle comer road with the approach from the Military barracks. Rifle and machine gun fire opened up on the premises from the cast iron railway bridge in upper John Street. After about an hour’s attack Mr Wilsdon’s premises were evacuated. Under cover of machine gun fire soldiers rushed the door and affected an entrance and the occupants were made prisoners. The glass in the upper and lower windows had been shattered and the concrete walls showed evidence of the intensity of the gunfire the premises were subjected to. During the attack regular soldiers on duty at Johns Bridge and a number of civilians were startled by a bomb explosion. A bomb had been thrown from a window of a house adjacent to John’s bridge. The soldiers on duty since early morning were unaware the house was occupied except for the owner and his family. After a lull, the firing between the troops resumed at 6.30 on Tuesday evening and continued with great intensity up to 10.30. During this time the Executive forces evacuated City Hall. On resumption of operations regular troops attacked John Street police barracks and after a brief but fierce encounter the building was surrendered and the Executive forces taken prisoners. One of the regular soldiers was wounded in the face, during the course of the afternoon another member of the regulars was wounded by a sniper.
The Imperial Hotel:
The next stronghold of the Executive forces to be attacked was the hotel. The garrison had been greatly reinforced by those who had escaped from City Hall. An armoured car was placed in position on the Parade and a gun trained on the hotel. Rifle and machine gun fire opened fire to which the occupants replied helped by snipers from the Castle Towers. This was one of the fiercest engagements of the day lasting from about 8 to 9 o’clock. The Executive forces surrendered and a number were taken prisoners. In the course of the attack Pte Kavanagh from Wexford forced open the back door of the Hotel with his rifle butt and a party of six soldiers rushed the premises. The occupants surrendered and being disarmed were taken prisoners. The remainder escaped and reinforced the garrison in the Castle. Miss O’Neill the proprietress of the hotel refused to leave during the siege. She was told there might be fierce fighting but she said she would stick it out and she did. Machine gun and rifle fire resounded all over the city, the operations being carried out between the Castle, the Bank of Ireland and the Prison.
The city streets were deserted except for small groups gathered in secluded corners. When darkness came the feeling of terror which had come over the city was greatly increased by the fact that the streets remained unlighted.
Just before 10’clock when the firing began to ease off a young girl named Margaret Loughman of New Street was seriously wounded at the corner of Walkin Street near the prison as she made her way home with her companion. Where the bullet came from is not known, so far as can be ascertained it ricocheted of the wall of Smithwick’s Bottling Store and struck the young girl in the knee, she lost a great quantity of blood before she was conveyed into the Bottling Store premises. She was attended to by Fr. Drea and received first aid, she was subsequently removed to the military hospital where an operation was performed. The bullet was not found but it is understood the sinews were badly torn. The young girl has three brothers each of whom spent time in prison on political charges during the recent terror. One is in Ballsbridge training for the Civic Guards, a second brother is a soldier in the Kilkenny garrison, another is a priest in the Redemptorist Order.
Kilkenny Castle: After a night of quietness the citizens were alarmed by the resumption of hostilities on Wednesday morning. Soldiers of the regular forces attacked the Castle from various vantage points.
All the city shops were closed and the streets deserted, machine gun and rifle fire resounded all over the city.
It was evident that all other outposts held by the Executive forces were either surrendered or evacuated, the Castle the last stronghold held by the Executive would be attacked.
The Castle possessed many advantages which were not a feature of other posts held by the Irregulars. The fortifications were capable of resisting attack, and the frequent fusillade of machine gun fire directed against it, made it seem unassailable. A determined onslaught was made on the Castle shortly after 8’o clock . An armoured car was placed in position and two assaults were directed against the building. The massive oak gate leading into the courtyard was rushed and to protect the invading force from attack a cordon of troops was placed across the Parade.
(How the Castle was rushed) Wednesday May 03rd
The castle was the last of the posts held in the city by the irregular forces of the I.R.A. was surrendered to the regular troops at 9.00 p.m. Earlier in the day the regular troops opened the assault with machine gun and rifle fire. About 3 o’clock a small party of troops smashed in some panels with their rifle butts.
Four soldiers rushed the entrance and called on the occupants to surrender. Machine gun fire was opened on them and one of the party was seriously wounded obliging them to retire taking their comrade with them.
The attack was continued and towards 6 o’clock when the replying fire became weaker the gate was again rushed. In the gate entrance three men of the regular forces were wounded by the machine gun fire. Intermittent fire continued until nine o’clock, when the last assault was made on the entrance.
A party of troops reached the remaining barriers and an armoured car was driven through the passage into the court yard where the machine gun was trained on the windows. Parties of troops rushed forward escaping the cross fire
The defending Irregulars then surrendered and together with their arms, one Lewis machine gun and ammunition were taken to the military barracks. The news that the unofficial forces had capitulated quickly spread and throngs gathered on the Parade. Cheer after cheer was raised as the troops marched out of the Castle in charge of the seventeen prisoners. Many of the irregulars had escaped through the Castle grounds. The prisoners were escorted under armed guard to the military barracks where at the directions of General Prout were provided with food.
Lord Ossory will not leave Kilkenny
Here I am, here I stay, Lord Ossory stated to the Kilkenny People. He added during my experiences with the siege I received marked courtesy from both sides.
I have been through the European war and did not mind it. But Lady Ossory has not had that experience so her nerves are somewhat upset. We leave on Friday morning for England in order that she may have a short rest. Besides the Castle apartments are open to the four winds of Heaven.
But please state in the Kilkenny People that we are coming back and hope to have a happy time in the old city. If they want me to leave Kilkenny they will have to shoot me, and I don’t think any Irishman will do that, I look forward to a good time in Ireland.
Kilkenny Prison:
O.C.M Ruth, I.R.A. Barracks Parliament Street, took over Kilkenny prison on Tuesday evening. Arriving at the prison with a number of men, he demanded admission and on the gate being opened by the warden the latter was held up and the keys demanded. These were surrendered and a guard placed in occupation of the prison.
On the Friday evening a party of irregular troops from the police barracks in Parliament St. entered the bonded stores and seized forty casks of whiskey and rum and conveyed it to the prison. The matter was reported to Col. Prout who proceeded to the prison at 6.00 a.m. and informed the leader of the irregulars that unless the goods seized were returned to their rightful owners and the prison evacuated before 6.00 that evening he would take the building by force of arms.
The Mayor Ald. Peter DeLoughry had been working for peace and was acting as a liaison officer between both sections. After long negotiations he was authorised to inform Col.Comdt. Prout that the Army Executive was willing to hand over the whiskey but would not evacuate the prison. The Col. declined these terms and intimated his fixed intention to attack the prison unless it was vacated. Finally the Officer in command of the prison agreed to evacuate it. Troops from G.H.Q. went into occupation, the Governor was reinstated and the whiskey
retained in the prison until it is withdrawn by the traders to whom it belonged or transferred to the bonded stores in Chapel Lane.
Names of the wounded
Pte John Burke Co.Dublin thigh and leg.
Pte Con Reilly Co.Dublin leg
Pte Lar O’Daly Co. Dublin leg
Pte. J.J.Kavanagh Dublin thigh.
Pte. M O’Neill Dublin thigh.
Pte Patrick Kavanagh, Dublin, leg.
Pte Tom Morris, Dublin, shoulder.
Pte Dan Conway, Co Tipp. Leg.
Pte John Martin, shoulder.
Pte. Thos Young, shin.
Pte Michael O’Neill wounded by a dum dum bullet.
All the above with the exception of O’Neill were wounded in the charge on the Castle. Four of the Executive troops were wounded.
Commdt Brennan in charge at the castle was wounded in the face.
Diary of recent events in Kilkenny:
Tuesday Apr25th
Kilkenny prison taken over by O.C. M.Ruth I.R.A.Barracks Parliament Street, under Four Courts Army Executive.
Friday April 28th, Bonded stores taken over by same force. The same night the whiskey was removed to the prison.
Saturday morning April 29th, Lt. Col. Prout O.C Dail Garrison Kilkenny Barracks issues ultimatum to the prison. Saturday evening the prison and whiskey is surrendered to Lt Col Prout.
Monday May 01st.
Several positions in the city occupied by Executive Forces.
Tuesday May 02nd Fight begins and continues all day. Dail forces attack positions held by Executive forces. All positions surrendered or evacuated except the Castle.
Wednesday May 03rd.
Attack on the Castle all day, the surrender comes at 9’0 clock. Dail forces take the castle and prisoners.
- Kilkenny People April /May 1922