Third Annual John Bradley Memorial Conference

The Decline of the Establishment Elite 1918 – 1932 Friday 19th and Saturday 20th October 2018 Friday 19th Conference Registration from 2:30pm in Rothe House, Parliament Street, the 16th century […]

Fourth Annual John Bradley Memorial Conference

Agriculture through the ages Friday 18th and Saturday 19th October 2019 Fri, 18th October 2:30-4:30pm     Conference Registration in Rothe House, Parliament Street, the 16th Century head-quarters of Kilkenny Archaeological […]

Second Annual John Bradley Memorial Conference

The Reformation – 500 Years Later Friday 20th and Saturday 21st October 2017 Friday 20th October 4:00pm                 Conducted tour of the 16th century Rothe House, headquarters of Kilkenny Archaeological Society […]